
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tube socks turned playthings

What do you do when your son declares that his brand new tube socks are "all wrong and feel weird?"  Grab the buttons and felt, of course!  We're in the puppet business, Baby!

Our rainy day weekend lent itself perfectly to this project.  My daughter grabbed her sewing tin and magnanimously shared beads and bells with her little brother. I sewed around the mouth to secure the opening because there is nothing more frustrating than when your new puppet turns inside out in the middle of a conversation with his new puppet friend.

My Little Man decided on a snake with green eyes and red felt tongue.  He has a cryptic diamond pattern on his back (made with fabric markers) and a jingle bell rattler on his tail.


Big Sis did all her own sewing, adding felt ears, a pink tongue and a cotton ball tuft of wool on the head.  She braided yarn to tie around the lamb's neck and added jingle bells to make it more fun.  She could be the next Sherri Lewis!

And since this is the 21st century, animals these days are very accepting of each other.  They generally don't pay any mind to which species you are, so Slither and Blue Eyes played happily together for the rest of the day.  Now what to do with the rest of that package of socks...


  1. That is such a cute idea. I love it! Your kids are just adorable. Those smiles!

  2. Your son cracks me up. My son is also VERY particular about his socks. He has a very specific comfort level with them, not too high, not too low (especially), not too colorful, not too plain. Otherwise, he doesn't care at all what he wears. It's all about the socks.

  3. Very cute. I recently bought some cute leopard print knee highs that had the same problem as your sons socks. I am thinking leopard sock cat. Although I will forgo the puppet and make the sock monkey variety sock toy.

  4. Cute Ideal. What animal can you make from toe socks? That's all my daughters like to wear. Plus they have some wild colored ones. It was really nice to see kids having fun with out play stations, I phones, or lap tops.

  5. So much more sophisticated than our Sock-O! Perhaps some rainy day we will have to do an upgrade too!


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