
Friday, February 15, 2013


These are the hands...

...of a Hausfrau.

Most people think we spend the day dreaming, napping and sipping coffee.  Well, believe me, I've tried to do just that.  But then the sheep need hay, the cows need corn, the chickens need water, the laundry piles up, the dishes pile up, the children run amuck and the Husband wonders what in the hell happened.

It's true that God made a farmer, but He also made the Farmer's Wife.  And we don't shirk our duties either.  We stack the hay onto the wagon and into the mow.  We wrangle the animals when it's time for shearing and butchering.  We carry the feed, the manure and the lost lambs back to their mothers.

And when the barnyard is in order, we head back inside the house.  We make sure the bills are paid and our mothers-in-law get their birthday cards on time.  We cook our families favorite foods and set a proper table of silver and linen for the holidays.  We ease our husbands' stress and comfort our children's tears in the middle of the night.

A Hausfrau lives at her job.  She never punches out.
She's everything, to everyone, every day.

And I wouldn't trade it for the world.


Thanks for your thoughts! Come back to visit again soon!