
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bonneville or Bust

"It's official!  Hank and I are headed off on a second honeymoon.  Next month we'll be married for 15 years.  Our first honeymoon was out to South Dakota.  We did all the required stops; the Corn Palace, Wall Drug..."

 And so began the post that I drafted over a month ago!  

Well, today I'm on the other side of that trip, and I can tell you, it was not a bust!  Back in mid-August, we waved goodbye to the children, pointed the Chevy west, and drove a total of 4200 miles to a height of 11,353 feet.  We walked the hallowed salt of Bonneville Speedway, and Hank got the bug.

I, on the other hand, basked in the sun with my new Salt Flat Dress.

This was one of those last minute sewing projects that was finished en route.  Literally, I was sewing on the buttons while we drove through Wyoming (I-80 is very dull; I do recommend some handwork).  I wanted something in cool cotton and easy to wear.   

I used McCalls 8019.  This was the first time I had used this pattern and was quite happy with the overall fit.  However, after sewing on the first sleeve trim, I found it to be too bulky.  The armhole had both a separate facing and then the accent armband over the top.  I decided to make up my own cuff that could be flipped back. 

The bodice fit nicely, and the four-piece skirt has just the right amount of fullness to it.

After finding twelve teal buttons in my collection, I decided to make another major alteration.  I split the front seam all the way down to the hem inside of setting in the side zipper.  Doing so made the dress a bit more casual.  

I made the belt from the trim fabric and used a plastic buckle.  I did hesitate because the buckle not match the buttons.  It was a "cuffs and collar" sort of dilemma.  But then time was fleeting, and I needed to make do.  But what's the general rule of thumb here?  Shouldn't all the "hardware" match?

So while Hank realized his dream of driving the Salt and spent all three days scheming on how to perfectly engineer his own lakester with which he will return in 2015...

...I settled down in the shade and enjoyed a salt-scrub pedicure, Bonneville style. 

Next year perhaps we'll make the trip out with the children and do a bit more sight-seeing.  But this second honeymoon was the best thing we could have done for ourselves.  It was such a nice break from the chores, the routine, the familiar sites of Wisconsin.

We've been back home now for about three weeks.  Second crop of hay is in the barn; the cows are scheduled for butchering; the canning is in full swing.  And the kids are eating Salt Flat cookies every day in their lunchboxes.


  1. congratulations to your anniversary!!!
    and best wishes for the next 15 years :-)

    the dress is soo pretty - good that you did your own sleeves.

  2. Brilliant!!!
    The cuffs and belt match very well. The buttons fade away into the dress print.
    No worries!!!
    I love it.

  3. Who says everything has to match?! I think the dress looks great with the belt! I love it and you looked great sweating in the Utah sun!

  4. Congratulations on many happy years together! You are still one of the women whom I admire and am constant awe of!

  5. Congratulations on your anniversary!!

  6. Once again you amaze me with your sewing ability.

  7. Congratulations on your trip! Hope your husband engineered air conditioning in that Chevy!

  8. Lovely dress and it really suits. Fab photos

  9. Your car and dress are both great! I would be afraid of driving an old car that far, but I guess your husband must know how it works and how to fix it.


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