
Monday, May 5, 2014

the Spring Thaw

We live alongside a small creek, and every Spring I marvel at the amount of water that flows past our house.  Back in April the water was rising faster and higher than we've ever seen it.  While the sheep tiptoed back towards the barn, the geese were in Heaven!  We crossed our fingers that the fence line wouldn't float away.


Oh, what the difference one month can make.  Today, the water is back within its banks, and the sheep are grateful for the return of their pasture, though soggy it may be.  I'm just glad the grey days are finally being replaced by sunnier ones. 

And while it's still a bit too waterlogged to be digging in the garden, the promise of budding flowers keeps me heading outside every day.  Well, that and the prospect of more lambs!  Happy Spring!


  1. phew - thats a lot of water!
    fortunately, the spring finally enters your neck of the woods too :-)
    happy spring!


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