
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lederhosen braces

Since taking up leather tooling, my husband, Hank, has come up with more crazy unique ideas than I thought possible.  It all started quite innocently with belts and can coozies that were handed out by the thousands this past Christmas.  Simple keychains led to talk about cuffs, collars, corsets and wouldn't the guinea pig love some Viking-styled armor?  Maybe just a helmet and a saddle...?  I knew I had to redirect this creative energy to a more useful end (only, if for no other reason than, to spare the poor guinea pig), hence, the suggestion of traditional Lederhosen braces.  If Hank would supply the braces, I would supply the Hosen.

So after many hours researching the traditional-styled Lederhosen, Hank started to sketch up some designs.  My only request was that it include Edelweiss, the national flower of Austria, made famous by The Sound of Music.  My maternal grandmother was full-blooded Austrian so I've always felt a harkening back to the Old Country.  And like many other girls across the world, I grew up, pie-eyed, watching The Sound of Music.  Hank and I talked about the different stamps he could use.  Did I want leaves, flowers, geometric do-dads?  I opted for simple and feminine.  Then Hank presented me with a custom centerpiece design that put a big ole smile on my face.

Centered between the Edelweiss is a pair of sheep, nose to nose.  

Rather than just a single, stained finish, Hank decided to paint the sheep and flowers, making them pop against the dark background.  The color adds depth to the figures while the dark stain, which is applied last, adds an antiqued finish.  The effect is stunning.

The back straps form a simple X and are covered with the repeated pattern of leaf and flower.

So I guess that means I'm on the hook for a pair of pants now!  These wool Army-issue pants are perfect for Winter, but I'm envisioning a full Dirndl skirt for shepherding during the Summer months.  Living in Wisconsin, I suspect I'll have ample opportunity to buckle up my Old World braces, what with all our Oktoberfests and polka dances we have around here.  Heck, there's even a car show hosted downtown Milwaukee on the historic Pabst Brewery grounds, and there's nothing I enjoy more than dressing for the occasion!

**This post is dedicated to my gorgeous blogger friend Beate Grigutsch over at bahnwarterhauschen.
Step thru her cottage gate and you're transported 
into a world of timeless European beauty. **


  1. WOW! That pretty much sums it up. Those are amazing!

  2. What a talented husband you have, that is utterly gorgeous, your grandma would be proud! Oh and its much more useful than armour for your guinea pig :-)

  3. Wow! Those are beautiful and I love the center medallion! Bet you can't wear those Lederhosen without humming Edelweiss all day long!

  4. oh my goodness - this "hosenträger" are "die schönsten" i have ever seen!!!!! hank is so very talented! i can see all the love he put in this masterpiece! the sheep! seufz!
    cant wait to see the dirndl skirt for the summer version!
    thank you for pointing in my direction - i feel very honored!
    schöne grüsse! xxxxxx

    1. Thanks Beate! I'm excited to wear these for more than just a blog post! And it's true, your blog is inspirational. :)

  5. I love love LOVE this. I would totally buy a set just like that if Hank is selling.


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