
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Lights

Here are a few photos I snapped of our Christmas lights. 

 My husband decided to damn the electric bill and run lights on our fence line, stretching from the garage, along our driveway to the road.

Bumper and Rusty are inside that pasture (keeping company with the ewes), and they seem to enjoy the atmosphere.

And a view of the front window . . .

. . . where our tree stands.

If you haven't done it yet, make sure you toss the kids in the car after supper and drive the neighborhood to enjoy everyone's creativity.  We did that last week and were amazed at the extensive displays that folks set up!  Such a treat!

1 comment:

  1. Christmas lights are probably my favorite part of Christmas--that and a lit tree in a dark room. So homey and comfortable.

    We used to take the kids around to look at the lights too. Not so much anymore, the folks here decorate, but it's a strand here or there, nothing really fancy. Sure is nice to look at, though.

    Thanks for the tip about the stove, by the way. I will try it!


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