
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tree in the Window

So this year my husband wanted to put the Christmas tree in the front window.  It seems each year we shuffle furniture and toss around ideas and try to come up with a location that 1) doesn't block the tv, 2) isn't too close to the wood stove, or 3) doesn't interrupt the general flow of traffic.  I think we hit on a winner!

Off our dining room, facing the front of the house is a small alcove separated by columns on either side.  This front window faces the road and seemed like a perfect place for the tree.  Now we get to enjoy it while we eat!

On the table is a runner I made a couple of years back.  It's mainly cotton with wool applique and some free motion quilting in the center ivory space.  And, yes, that is a candle ring of 1950s plastic holly.  I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I've been strangely attracted to plastic flowers these passed months. Can't explain why, but I'm not trying to fight it. 
A few of our ornaments...must have a sheep, of course...
...the lucky German pickle...
...little red pick-up truck...
... my son's acorn and my daughter's heart ...
...and a peacock with real feather tail.  (I have a peacock-inspired sewing project in the works!  Can't wait to show you!)

Well, I must be off to finish my last batch of cookies.  I hope your holidays are filled with lights and happiness, and if you're lucky, you may find yourself under plastic mistletoe!  :)


  1. Looks good to me!

    We also have a pickle. My kids have to look for it every year. They love it.

    I am also a fan of the 1950 plastic holly, and I don't know why. Something nostalgic about it, and I wasn't even around then!

  2. I love seeing trees in front of windows - they are enjoyed outside as sell. It looks like that alcove was made for it. I like your runner and ornaments. I have had an attraction to peacocks lately. I would love to have pair here, but I know they are tempermental with the cold and can be noisy. Plastic flowers - how about plastice frui5. I really want to give you something. It is an antique ornament with BoPeep on it. Let me send it to you, it should belong to you. Merry Christmas Blessings.

  3. Phew! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who likes 1950s plastic (because my husband was a little shocked the day I came home with four candle rings). My mom always had a centerpiece of fruit on the table...wonder if she still has them?

    Dicky Bird - How sweet that you are thinking of me! I do love BoPeep things and have a small smattering of stuff (old sheet music, two ammonia bottles, a 1940s bra advertisement - I sense a blog posting in the works!). My email is Thank you!!


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