
Monday, December 1, 2014

*k2, p2, rep from * across

They weren't kidding when they said that one good thing leads to another.  Like the time I tried a new cookie recipe and before the batch was even gone, I was anxiously waiting with another new recipe in hand.  Or the year my geraniums survived over the winter, and I was encouraged to purchase more.  Or like my last knitting project that ever-so-slightly boosted my confidence, and now it seems I can't put my needles down.  Well, I guess when you've got a good thing going, why question it?

Winter is my season for knitting and spinning and here's another little project using my favorite fiber in the whole world:  wool.

I did not knit my beret, but I did sew my vest.

I used a Casablanca wool/silk/mohair fiber from Cascade Yarns on size 6 needles.  The pattern is based on the Windy City Scarf taken from Stitch 'n Bitch by Debbie Stoller.  I followed the pattern for the buttonhole technique, but that's about it.  My gauge, pattern and sizing are all custom.  And I couldn't resist adding the pompoms.  The colors in the scarf tie together several pieces in my closet, making this project very wearable, which is always the goal when crafting accessories.  Yay for wear-ability!

Most days this winter you will find me in these same WWII army issue pants.  In fact I live in wool all winter and curse those days when I forget the freezing temps and carelessly pull on denim jeans.  And I'm sure it's no surprise to you that my closet is overflowing with sweaters.  This brown turtleneck was a thrift store find last year and one of my go-to favorites.  Because it is a 100% cashmere, I decided to try a bit of needle felting on the sleeve.  I pushed a piece of foam up the sleeve to use as a base.  The 3 inch needle has several short barbs on it.  When poked through the wool, it mats the loose fibers into the sweater.  You can see the red coming through on the inside of the sleeve.  The more you needle, the denser it becomes and resembles a piece of felt when you're finished.

And so in an attempt to not interrupt a good thing, I am already contemplating the next knitting project.  No sense in letting those needles cool off!  I'm afraid my sewing machine has been sorely neglected this past month.  Nothing more impressive than mending has come from the sewing room lately (my son already blew out the knees in his snowpants!).  But during this season when the house is chilled and the daylight hours are short, I find joy in a project that produces an ever-growing pile of beautifully manipulated wool in my lap.  Well, I should clarify; the wool is beautiful, not necessarily the manipulation.  But that won't stop me from trying again!


  1. first of all - fabulouse look!
    the scarf is very cute with the pompoms! "learn to knit" is on my plan this winter, but i have to finish some sewing projects before. the needle felt technic seems very practical to mend holes in wool fabric.
    and yes - i live in wool the whole winter too - the only cotton i use now are handkerchiefs :-)
    have a wonderful week!

  2. cute scarf! I'm kind of jealous of your whole outfit! Wool pants would be about the only way to survive the cold wind.
    Now that you're an accomplished knitter, will you be making yourself some wool socks? Trust me, you will love them!


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