Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

It's that time of year again.  Time to clear off the dining room table, cover it in newspaper and schlup out some pumpkin guts.  The tradition is pretty simple at our house.  My husband wields the carving knife, following closely the Sharpie lines that the kids have drawn on the outside of the pumpkin.  The kids schlup the guts into a large bowl, and I sort out the seeds.  Heaven forbid we let those seeds go to waste.*  Yes, this is the time of year for toasting pumpkin seeds in the oven - the only time of year.  As soon as those jack-o-lanterns are lit and glowing from the then darkened dining room, the family is anticipating that salty, crunchy late night snack that is the reward only after your fingers have gone pruney from pumpkin slime.

The Recipe:
Clean and rinse pumpkin seeds.  Pat dry with paper towel to absorb some of the water.  In a 250 degree oven, melt one tablespoon of butter on a large cookie sheet.  Remove and add one tablespoon of Worchestershire sauce.  Scatter seeds onto cookie sheet and stir to coat.  Sprinkle with salt to taste.  Bake for 1 1/2 - 2 hours, tossing every 30 minutes.  Seeds should be lightly browned and crunchy.

The Worchestershire sauce adds a nice tang and the salt can, of course, be adjusted.  This recipe will cover approximately 2-3 cups of seeds.  I know a single tablespoon of butter and Worchestershire doesn't seem like much, but all you need is a light flavor. 

Happy carving from my family to yours!

* As an interesting side note, pumpkin seeds are a natural dewormer for sheep so should you not want to bother with all the sorting, washing and toasting, just slop the whole mess out in the pasture, and your ewes will do the rest!


  1. this sounds pretty good! next time i cook with pumpkins i will try your recipe for the toasted seeds. happy halloween for you and your family!

  2. My husband loves pumpkin seeds. He can't wait till this time of year just for the seeds.

  3. I have always made them with Worcestershire sauce too!


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